EMS Software Solutions

Gridvis Software  

The GridVis software serves as the central management & reporting data logging platform for all UMG devices. It can be used to present the measurement values as actual values online and a graphic presentation of the values read from the measurement value of UMG devices.

The topology overview provides a quick overview of the complete electricity network. The GridVis software also serves the purpose of setting parameterisation of the UMG devices. Furthermore, the creation of customer-specific programs is possible using our own developed program language, Jasic®, or the user-friendly graphic programming periphery.

The GridVis grid visualisation software enables the following:

Visualisation of measurement values
Automatic ring buffer readout from the instruments
Storage of the data in a database
Graphic presentation of online measurement values
Configurable topology overview with freely selectable register levels
Configuration of the measuring instruments
Graphic programming of user programs or programming with the Jasic® source code
Parameterisation, visualisation, data management and analysis reporting
The GridVis software platform is available in 4 Versions:

Basic – For measurement upto 5 UMG devices
Professional – Unlimited measurement of UMG devices, Support for MySQL/MsSQL
Enterprise – Unlimited measurement of UMG devices, Support for MySQL/MsSQL, Support for 3rd party Modbus devices, Cost Center Reporting, Automatic Report Generation
Service – Unlimited measurement of UMG devices, Support for MySQL/MsSQL, Support for 3rd party Modbus devices, Cost Center Reporting, Automatic Report Generation, Online Recording, Server Mode running, Auto Alarm Management

DAX View Web Based EMS  

DAX View is a proprietary application software developed on the Eclipse Jetty server to provide energy management, remote device monitoring and technical reporting function. Eclipse Jetty9 is a commercial grade Java technology stack that is used in many large enterprise software system such as banking finance, cloud software service, datacenter management and mass transport operation management. The technology supports open protocol and high availability structure, to handle large volume of realtime data processing task. It is suitable for machine to machine communications and monitoring/management of electrical and continuous process platform in 24×7 usage.
The DAX View solution is optimized for running on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OS and is scalable to handle very large size connected devices traffic. The platform is application level load-balancer ready and allows easy horizontal scaling of the server hardware to provide full redundancy database replication in a clustered server architecture.

Key Features:
1. Web based Live View Dashboard Monitoring and Reporting platform.
2. Highly customizable Operation Report to generate KPI figures with data sources from any RTU devices into any customer specified data fields.
3. Open interface with any RTU devices from any manufacturer any protocol.
4. Power Quality trending & historial chart on key parameters e.g. PeakDemand, kWh group & zone, PowerFactor, Volt Sag, Harmonics, Abnormal Events, Transient Waveforms.
5. Alarm event auto notification and escalation management.
6. Compliance on reporting for Singapore Standards SS 564:2013 and SS 591:2013

– Native protocol supported BACnet, LonWorks, Profibus, Profinet, OPC, Modbus, SNMP, IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104, IEEE 1159.3 PQDIF, DNP3, SNMP, RESTful, IRIG-B
– Platform supported Windows Servers, Linux Servers
– Dual Redundancy Server Auto Failover & Recovery architecture option
– Archiving data storage on MySQL, Microsoft MS-SQL server, supporting redundant SQL & replication management.

Ordek Flexible Software Platform  

Customized software for flexible display of equipment data, reporting, remote logic and self service management. The modern building has gotten more intelligent. New generation of smart equipment brings better energy efficiency performance. However, the task of remote supervision and control has also become more complex. In order to orchestrate this myriad of advanced technology, user will need to make sense of the big picture with minimal training. Many times, user are overwhelmed by excessive information, making it difficult to comprehend the big picture. Ordek is a new bred of technical management software. It allows native communication to many industrial protocol standard, provide highly customizable user interface interactive display and analytic of data into formats that non-technical personnel can make sense of. The platform is built for ease of extension and allow system to grow from a single standalone workstation to a distributed HA architecture that can be accesses anywhere in the world.